
Save Your Business:

The Importance of Sufficient Data for Testing New Products


Amin Chirazi, Managing Director at Automators

4 min readMar 27 2023


Save Your Business: The Importance of Sufficient Data for Testing New Products

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, staying competitive and meeting customer expectations requires innovation. The development of new products or services requires a considerable time, resource, and financial investment. However, the success of new product development is significantly dependent on the testing phase, in which businesses have to ensure that the product performs as expected in real-world scenarios. This testing phase is crucial for finding any problems, risks, or weaknesses in the product prior its release to the market.

The availability of appropriate data is one of the most significant challenges businesses encounter during product testing. Data is essential for product development and testing because it informs decision-making, identifies potential issues, or risks, and makes sure that the product functions as intended in real-world scenarios. Businesses cannot accurately estimate how their product will perform in the market without adequate data.

To understand the importance of adequate data for testing new products, let us consider the example of an insurance company trying to develop a new policy for a specific type of business. The company had difficulty testing its new policy since there was no real-world data for the specific sort of policy accessible. The shortage of data made accurate testing of the new policy challenging. The company had to invest in additional research and data collection to imitate real-world situations in order to test the policy, which led to product release delays and increased development costs.


This example emphasises the significance of having adequate data while testing new products.The company could have generated the data at a fraction of the cost and with significantly less work if they had used synthetic data, letting them create large amounts of data and test their systems under various scenarios and conditions. Having sufficient data to test a new product is critical to its market success. Data informs product development and testing, aids in the identification of potential problems or risks, and enables companies to make informed decisions regarding the feasibility of a product. Businesses must either invest in data collection, analysis, and simulation to make sure that they have enough data to accurately test the product, or they can supplement their existing datasets with synthetic data without having to worry about the costs associated with gathering and managing real data.

Businesses can get more flexibility and control over the testing environment with the use of synthetic data, as they can customise the scenarios and variables they want to test. It can also decrease the expenses of gathering and managing real-world data.

The importance of data in testing is not exclusive to insurance companies; it applies to all industries. Data is required to support the development and testing phases of any new technology product. Companies have to collect data on user behaviour, preferences, and other factors that influence product performance.


When it comes to testing new products, companies can profit greatly from using synthetic data generation. Businesses can customise the testing environment to their individual needs, cut data collection costs, and ensure that they have enough data to test their products by generating synthetic data. This strategy not only reduces the likelihood of product failure, but it also identifies new market opportunities and optimises products based on client feedback. Businesses who can effectively utilise synthetic data to help their product development and testing will stay ahead of the competition and prosper in the long run as technology progresses and data becomes more available. Businesses can streamline their testing process, cut costs, and ultimately boost their chances of market success by using a reliable synthetic data generator.

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